Our Saviour opened His Arms on the Cross to embrace those He was going to Sacrifice His Life to save, namely fallen humanity which, in the fullness of time, included us. We are now, through our Baptism, responsible for embracing God and so working our way to Heaven, to rest eternally in His Loving Embrace.
The Church offers us, Her children, a treasury of helps to keep us faithful to God and, so, in the State of Grace. Mass and the Seven Sacraments form the core of this treasury. The Teachings of the Church, passed on to us through the Pope, Bishops and Priests, provide, as it were, a ‘road-map’ which will, if followed, together with the Grace of the Sacraments, keep us firmly on the way to Heaven. While a ‘minimum’ of Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation Masses and Confessions will ‘do’, there are additional aids to sanctity which, whether we recognise our need for them or not, are on offer. Every day, for example, we are invited to come and just spend some time in our Parish Church, adoring Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, just being there and talking with Him in the silence of our hearts, open to any inspirations He may put into our minds. Even if physically going to church is not possible (we may well have to be at work) we can still, wherever we may be, tell our Lord of our love for Him and ask for His help in our daily life. If, however parents find themselves at home with children, then why not, even once a week, bring them to adore Our Lord, maybe even staying for Mass afterwards. Just as delicate seedlings need watering, feeding and pruning so the growing faith of our children (and, indeed, our own Faith!) must be carefully cultivated. If our children see us giving Adoration and Mass the importance they deserve and are encouraged by us to do likewise, we are handing to them a priceless treasure which will be with them through the ‘storms’ of life, exceeding in value all the ‘treasures’ of ‘heaven on Earth’ set before us by the advertising media. Comments are closed.
From St. Bart'sThoughts on the traditional teachings, devotions, seasons and matters of the Catholic Church Categories
November 2019