The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a profound expression of God's mercy, offering all parishioners the opportunity to confess their sins and receive forgiveness from God through the ministry of a priest.
Receiving the sacrament for the first time is a significant milestone for children preparing for their First Holy Communion, as it marks their initial encounter with God's mercy and forgiveness. This sacrament not only remits sins but also fosters a deeper relationship with Christ, encouraging a lifelong journey of faith and conversion. It is an opportunity for children to experience the grace that strengthens them to live in communion with God and the Church, preparing their hearts to receive the Eucharist with reverence and joy.
Confessions at St. Bartholomew's are heard on Saturdays after 10:00 Mass until 11:30, 17:00 to 18:00 and at call.
On 15 April 2025, the Tuesday in Holy Week, there will be a Lenten Day of Penitence, with Confessions being heard from after the 10:00 Mass until Benediction at 19:00.
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is a profound expression of God's mercy, offering all parishioners the opportunity to confess their sins and receive forgiveness from God through the ministry of a priest.
Receiving the sacrament for the first time is a significant milestone for children preparing for their First Holy Communion, as it marks their initial encounter with God's mercy and forgiveness. This sacrament not only remits sins but also fosters a deeper relationship with Christ, encouraging a lifelong journey of faith and conversion. It is an opportunity for children to experience the grace that strengthens them to live in communion with God and the Church, preparing their hearts to receive the Eucharist with reverence and joy.
Confessions at St. Bartholomew's are heard on Saturdays after 10:00 Mass until 11:30, 17:00 to 18:00 and at call.
On 15 April 2025, the Tuesday in Holy Week, there will be a Lenten Day of Penitence, with Confessions being heard from after the 10:00 Mass until Benediction at 19:00.