There is a very beautiful hymn, thought to have been written in the 9th Century AD, by Rabanus Maurus, which is very appropriate to this Solemnity and which, fortunately, has not been excluded from modern Catholic hymn books. In it we pray, “Come Holy Ghost, Creator, Come…….take possession of our Souls and make them all thine own”. Today, we open our Mass, proclaiming, in the Entrance Antiphon (Wisdom 1:7) that ‘The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world…’. Today we celebrate what is sometimes called the Birthday of the Church, when, enlightened and emboldened by the Holy Spirit, the previously timid, fearful and, perhaps, uncertain Apostles, the first Bishops of the Catholic Church, energetically emerged from their hiding place. Strengthened by the Gifts of the Spirit, the same Gifts given to each of us at our Confirmation, to be received by the Candidates today, through Bishop Pat, they gave, quite literally, their all. They received the following seven gifts and attributes:
Wisdom, which helps us choose God’s way of living, understanding the often challenging teachings of the Church, having compassion and tolerance for the weak, whilst also being ever ready to ‘grasp the nettle’, to be unpopular – in other words, ‘un-politically correct’ - pointing out error, even if we aren’t thanked for it! Understanding helps us to see the deep meaning of the truths of our Faith, and to hold onto them. Right Judgement (Counsel) helps us make choices to live as a faithful follower of Jesus, to see the danger of certain ‘alternative’ ways of living. Courage (Fortitude) helps us stand up for our faith in Christ, avoiding anything which, while the worldly-wise might approve, will separate us from God. Such courage may even separate us from friends who cannot or will not see why we believe and live as we do. Knowledge, again, helps us choose the path that will lead to God. It encourages us to avoid whatever will keep us from Him. Reverence (Piety) helps us worship and serve God, and inspires us to joyfully want to serve Him and others. Wonder and Awe bring us to see how utterly great God is, and to love Him so much that we do not want to offend Him by anything we say or do. This Gift is also known as Fear of The Lord, which, if explained correctly, emphasises love and devotion which move us to obey God. Indeed, far from fearing so Loving a Father, we fear the sins which can separate us from Him. How childlike are we in our following of God? Let us pray anew for a renewal of these Gifts in our souls and in those of all our young people who are growing up in an increasingly godless world. Let us pray especially for all our Confirmation Candidates receiving this great Sacrament today. May these young men and women be continually inspired to be instruments of the call to, ‘Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth’, as they, the Church of the future, set out to fulfil the awesome responsibility they have assumed through this Sacrament! Last week, on Ascension Thursday, 10th May, the fortieth day of Eastertide, in the Entrance Antiphon (Acts 1:11), we pronounced the words of the Angel to the Apostles who, following their beloved Master’s departure from their sight into Heaven, remained for a while gazing (surely sadly and longingly) into the empty sky. The Angel assures them that, one day, Jesus will return when He comes, of course, to Judge us all at the end of time. This year, as the Solemnity fell on the exact day, i.e. Thursday, that day was, of course, a Holy Day of Obligation, binding on the Faithful, as are all Sundays, giving us the very clear message that the Eucharist has an indispensable and central role in our lives. The First Reading (Acts 1:1-11) narrated that familiar scene in which Our Lord took leave, so to speak, of His Apostles.
In the Second Reading (Ephesians 1:17-23) Saint Paul prayed (as must we!) for the necessary Graces to aid us in understanding and living by the Teachings of Our Lord who, alone, can give us Eternal Happiness. We must recognise that those who consider themselves ‘worldly-wise’ among us will, at times, not accept Jesus as ‘…the ruler of everything…’, as is evidenced by the continual challenges to Catholic Moral Teaching around the world. We may be challenged, sometimes shunned, because we practise and profess the ‘unpalatable’! In the Gospel (Mark 16:15-20) we heard the Apostles (now ourselves!) being told to, ‘…Go out into the whole world, proclaim the Good News to all creation…’. We are assured that we, and those we evangelise (and who embrace the Faith) ‘…will be saved…’.
In France and Germany, among other countries, the importance of this day was emphasised by its being a Public Holiday, echoing the deep Catholic Faith of former times. In the days when England proudly proclaimed herself the Dowry of Mary, Holy days were, very often, the only days off in addition to Sunday, especially, probably, for the Poor. From this extra day of rest, of course, comes our word, holiday. Hopefully the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord was a joyful day in our Families, encouraging not only us and our children but, also, through us, those of other faiths (or none) that we may encounter, to see beyond the limits of this world. Our Blessed Mother, when she appeared to the three little shepherds in Fátima, introduced herself as, “…the Lady of the Rosary…". She spoke of the need for us to amend our lives and to seek pardon for our sins, which, daily, offend Our Lord. She urged the daily recitation of the Rosary, a powerful weapon against the evils of Satan and, therefore, a bountiful source of Grace for those who love her Son and constantly call on Him for aid. Ever concerned for our spiritual wellbeing, and conscious of our tendency to forget even essentials, Holy Mother Church sets aside two months during which this great Prayer is ‘put in the spotlight’ so to speak, both this month of May and later, October.
The prayers of the Rosary might be compared to the incidental music of a good Family film which serves to heighten awareness of emotions and actions of characters in different scenes. Almost in the background, these prayers serve to aid those praying in focussing upon the most notable scenes from the Lives of Mary and Jesus in particular. Parents are warmly encouraged to teach their children this invaluable Prayer from a very early age. As our youngsters grow in stature and intelligence, their insights into the Mysteries will deepen. Our Blessed Lady will be their constant companion throughout a lifetime in which their Faith will be strongly challenged. It is a prayer which will stand them in good stead from infancy (obviously on a more basic level) to old age, when they will, please God, draw on the fruits of a lifetime’s Rosaries. How about searching this treasure trove together?! If not the internet, then our own Catholic Truth Society is the place to go!
Throughout the centuries, this Prayer has developed and been presented in several forms. For example, the Luminous Mysteries, originally developed by Malta’s Saint Ġorġ Preca, were introduced by Saint Pope John Paul II through his Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae. Other forms have focussed on particular episodes in the lives of Christ and His Mother. One example is the Seven Dolours Rosary in which one concentrates specifically on the seven sorrows of our Lady: - Simeon’s prophecy that Mary would suffer witnessing her Son’s Passion and Death (Lk. 2:34, 35); Herod’s massacre of the Holy Innocents, which led to the flight of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph into Egypt (Mt. 2:13, 14); The finding of the 12 year old child Jesus in the temple (Lk. 2:43-45); Jesus meets Mary as he carries His Cross to Calvary (4th Station of the Cross); Jesus’ Body being taken down from the Cross (13th Station); the burial of Jesus in the Tomb (14th Station). There is so much out there!
The Entrance Antiphon (cf Psalm 97:1-2) expresses joy: Our Lord has very clearly shown us the way forward and, indeed, saved us and, throughout life, we must seek and cooperate with Grace so that we may attain Eternal Salvation.
In the First Reading (Acts 9:26-31) we hear of the newly converted Saint Paul’s meeting with the, understandably wary Disciples. Paul might be thought of as a type of Saint George, fearless unto death in his living and preaching the often ‘unpalatable’ and challenging Truth. We hear how, having declared himself a follower of Christ, Paul had immediately faced strong and hostile opposition. This fact, as well as the account of his Conversion, was enough to convince the Disciples that he (formerly named Saul) was indeed a worthy ally. Saints George, Mark and Paul, Martyrs all, are outstanding role models for us. We shall probably never be called to ‘lay our life on the line’ but, as we hear constantly through the media, many of our brothers and Sisters are still martyred for their fidelity to God. Christians, even here in England, Mary’s Dowry, can experience concerted opposition, even, at times, backed by law. Sometimes this may be through ignorance and misunderstanding, but sometimes, sadly, it is because our hearers know, ‘deep down’, that we are right. However tough a time we may have as a Christians, we can take heart, as Saint Paul did, that God will ultimately prevail over opposition to His Truth. The Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 21:26-28, 30-32 response v26) again looks to the centrality of God in our lives and the ongoing and irresistible spread of Faith, Truth and Justice, as more are gathered into the one true fold. Saint John, in the Second reading (1 Jn. 3:18-24) emphasises the inescapable fact that belief in Jesus cannot be merely verbal assent but, if it is to be credible to all, it must influence our relations with and our treatment of others. As the maxim states, ‘actions speak louder than words’. Our conscience, formed by the Teachings of the Church, will help us to remain faithful and confident in our loving obedience to God’s Laws, whatever obstacles may be placed in our path. The Commandments are our sure Rule of Life, our ‘Route-Map’. This fruitful closeness to our Father is echoed in the Alleluia Verse (John 15:4-5) and underlined later on in the Communion Antiphon (cf John 15:1-5). The Gospel (Jn. 15:1-8) presents us with the beautiful discourse of Jesus on our essential and close, therefore fruitful, union with Him; only by growing on the Vine can Branches flourish and bear fruit. Our Lord delivers the stark warning that the roads to Heaven and Hell, to our Eternity, are our choice. We are called to oppose the materialism and the so-called ‘modern moral standards’ so widely and forcefully presented as ‘cool’ and to be constantly aware that, however much the ‘majority’ may appear to prevail, every single person created will appear before God’s Judgement Seat. Be prepared to suffer opposition now in order to, one day, hear the words’…Well done, Good and Faithful Servant…’ (Matthew 25:21, 23) from our Loving Father. Today we continue to rejoice in the Victory of Christ over evil. Through the words of the Entrance Antiphon (Psalm 32:5-6), we proclaim God’s Goodness and Infinite Creative Power. On reflection, how have we, God’s highest creation, used (or not used) our share in these attributes, “…in what I have done and in what I have failed to do…”? How diligently do we make use of the resources, spiritual and physical, which He has given us? In the First Reading (Acts:4: 8-12), our first Pope, Peter, points those who had just witnessed his miraculous cure of a cripple, beyond his actions to Christ who was working through him as indeed He continues to this day though our Pope, Bishops and Priests. Those who refused to accept the Truth, through ignorance, at that time were, as all people still are today, offered the chance to repent. We affirm our belief in Christ’s vital foundational role in the Response to the Psalm (Psalm.117:22). Where do we stand when we hear the arrogant challenges made to God’s Authority in our modern world in which, so often, we are told that we can happily achieve all we do without God! Are we prepared to correct a fellow Catholic if they act in ways contrary to Christ’s Teachings, even if, as a consequence, we might be labelled ‘unchristian’. In the Second reading (1 John 3:1-2), Saint John emphasises the wonderful fact that we are loved as God’s children and that consequently, should we live as befits such children, we may often (as is evident around the world) suffer rejection as did Our Lord. Looking in hope beyond the sufferings of this world Saint John assures us that, should we live faithfully as our Father created us to do we shall, in Heaven, ‘…be like Him because we shall see Him as He really is…’. The Church, the Mass, the Sacraments, Sanctifying Grace and our gifts of Faith, Hope and Charity are ‘weapons’ equipping us in our fight against evil.
We are reminded that Jesus came, not just to offer Salvation to those who choose to believe and be baptised, namely ourselves, but that His Mission, through us, extends to all, ‘…who are not of this fold…’ who, through faithful Catholic witness, will be drawn to seek and accept the Gift of Faith, bringing true Unity, ‘…one flock and one Shepherd…’, uncompromisingly living in the Truth.
The Novena may, of course, be said at other times, too. The nine intentions can provide a basis for an Examination of Conscience. On the final day, Jesus’ words are particularly challenging: “Today bring to Me souls who have become lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: “Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.” For them, the last hope (65) of salvation is to flee to My mercy.” (Diary of Saint Faustina, 1228). Are we Apostles of Divine Mercy to the lukewarm?
Of course, our final bliss in Heaven is dependent, not just on God’s Mercy but upon each of us having freely co-operated with his Grace. As the highest of God’s creations, we are endowed, from conception, with a spiritual Soul and Free-Will; we are capable of coming to know and understand His Will for us, aided in the formation of our Conscience by our Parents, Priests and Catholic schools and, as we mature (a status marked by the Sacrament of Confirmation) by our own careful study of the Teachings of the Church. We must pray, often, that we will clearly discern exactly what Vocation (or call) God is giving us. As we see, in following the news media, the traps set by Satan are numerous and, in some cases, presented under the guises of ‘Human Rights’ and ‘Love’, of which they are, in truth, a denial. One might say that the “bottom line”, regarding our hope for Mercy, lies in the words we say, sometimes, sadly, with little thought, virtually every day of our Life: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” or, to put it another way “Do not forgive me if I refuse to forgive others”. That is not to say that to forgive is easy; ‘scars’ may well remain and it may be hard, if not impossible, to forget wrongs done to us. We have the beautiful example of Saint Pope John Paul II who, following Mehmet Ali Ağca’s attempt on his life, visited and publicly forgave his would-be assassin in prison. In the end, it is Satan who ‘thrives’ on hatred and unforgiveness. As Christians, we are called to be merciful as God is merciful. That means that we must, as well as forgiving, not forget our duty to correct error; it is just as merciless to, for instance, fail to warn someone we know to be living in a sinful state as it is to refuse to forgive those who repent and ask forgiveness of us. It is NOT being judgmental and may see us fall in the ‘popularity ratings’ but this duty supersedes our possible inclinations. God, grant us the Graces we need to spread your Divine Mercy! Saint Faustina and Saint Pope John Paul II, Pray for us! Once again, we are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. We celebrate the momentous event which is the basis of our faith; this, more than anything, conclusively proves that Jesus is, as He claimed to be, God and, therefore, Conqueror of Death. Jesus took on our Human Nature, living (though without sin) and dying as will we all. Because He then, through His Godly, Power, took up again the life He had laid down on Calvary, He opened the way for every one of us (should we so choose) to follow Him into Eternal Happiness; the broken route to our created destiny was restored. We are offered the chance to, one day, pass beyond this limited earthly life to join Him eternally in our True Home, Heaven!
In our age of widespread education for all, ignorance is, generally, no excuse for departing from the ‘straight and narrow way’. Through the teachings of the Church, challenging as we may well find them, we can be sure of knowing what we must do (or not do) in order, one day, to share in Christ’s Risen Life in Heaven.
Satan, of course, is only too aware of the immense Power opposing him, a Power which will, eventually, totally vanquish him. He does not cease to try and spread confusion and dissent, sadly, sometimes among Catholics too; one may find oneself unpopular for upholding the Truth. The mass media can, as we are aware, be a tool for good or evil. Alarmingly, there can sometimes be presented to us a somewhat one-sided view of Divine Love. God loves us. Of that there is no doubt; He created us to, ultimately, enjoy Eternal Happiness - again true! We do well to remember, though, that if we are to get there, we too, have a part to play. We, as Human Beings, are endowed with Intelligence and Free Will. As St. Augustine noted, "God, who created you without your consent, will not (it could read cannot) save you without your co-operation.". In other words, if we are to attain Heaven we must work at it, to the best of our ability, obeying God's Laws - challenging as they may be - or, to put things another way, to reach our journey's hoped-for end we must follow the route map! If we misuse a domestic appliance and it goes wrong, it is no use claiming under the guarantee! Likewise with our God-given life; It must be lived in accordance with the Maker's Instructions in order to lead us to Heaven. There is a very beautiful hymn, thought to have been written in the 9th Century AD, by Rabanus Maurus, which is very appropriate to this Solemnity and which, fortunately, has not been excluded from modern Catholic hymn books. In it we pray, “Come Holy Ghost, Creator, Come…….take possession of our Souls and make them all Thine own”. On Pentecost Day we celebrate what is sometimes referred to as the Birthday of the Church, the day when, Confirmed by the Holy Spirit, the timid, fearful and, perhaps, uncertain Apostles, the first Bishops of the Catholic Church boldly emerged from their hiding place. Strengthened by the Gifts of the Spirit, the same Gifts given to each of us at our Confirmation, they gave, quite literally, their all. They received the following seven gifts and attributes:
Knowledge, again, helps us choose the path that will lead to God. It encourages us to avoid whatever will keep us from Him.
Reverence (Piety) helps us worship and serve God and inspires us to joyfully want to serve Him and others. Wonder and Awe bring us to see how utterly great God is, and to love Him so much that we do not want to offend Him by anything we say or do. This Gift is also known as Fear of The Lord, which, if explained correctly, emphasises love and devotion which move us to obey God; far from fearing so Loving a Father, we fear the sins which can separate us from Him. How childlike are we in our following of God? Let us pray anew for a renewal of these Gifts in our souls and in those of our young people who are growing up in an increasingly godless world. Let us also pray for all our Confirmation Candidates who will be receiving this great Sacrament on Friday 30 June 2017.
As we must never forget, our final bliss in Heaven is dependent, not just on God’s Mercy but upon our each having freely co-operated with his Grace. God will not force us to be obedient and go to Heaven; the choice is ours! As the highest of God’s creations, we are endowed, from conception, with a spiritual Soul and Free-Will; we are capable of coming to know and understand His Will for us, aided in the formation of our Conscience by our Parents, Priests and Catholic schools and, as we mature (a status marked by the Sacrament of Confirmation) by our own careful study of the often challenging Teachings of the Church. We must pray, often, that we will clearly discern exactly what Vocation (or call) God is giving us. As we see, in following the news media, the traps set by Satan are numerous and, in some cases, presented under the guises of ‘Human Rights’ and ‘Love’, of which they are, in truth, a denial.
One might say that the “bottom line”, regarding our hope to receive God’s Mercy, lies in the words we say, sometimes, sadly, with little thought, virtually every day of our Life: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” or, to put it another way “Do not forgive me if I refuse to forgive others”. That is not to say that to forgive is easy; hurts and harm can penetrate deeply. It may well be, too, that it is hard, if not impossible, to forget wrongs done to us. Pope Francis, among other matters, referred to the abuse, not by strangers, but by those close to the victims. Christ, in His Passion, showed just how forgiving we must be; In the end, it is Satan who thrives on hatred and unforgiveness. As Christians, we are called to be merciful as God is merciful. That means that we must, as well as forgiving, not forget our duty to correct error; it is just as merciless to, for instance, fail to warn someone we know to be living in a sinful state as it is to refuse to forgive those who repent and ask forgiveness of us. It is NOT being judgmental and may see us fall in the ‘popularity ratings’ but this duty supersedes our possible inclinations. God, grant us the Graces we need to spread your Divine Mercy. The image above, entitled Divina Misericordia, was painted by Eugeniusz Kazimirowski in 1934. This is the only painting which was done under the indications of Sister Faustina
Sadly there can sometimes be presented to us a somewhat one-sided view of Divine Love. God loves us. Of that there is no doubt; He created us to, ultimately, enjoy Eternal Happiness - again true! We do well to remember, though, that if we are to get there, we, too, have a part to play. As St. Augustine noted, "God, who created you without your consent, will not (or cannot) save you without your co-operation."; in other words, if we are to attain Heaven we must, to the best of our ability, obey God's Laws - challenging as they may be - or, to put things another way, to reach our journey's hoped-for end we must follow the route-map!
If we misuse a domestic appliance, and it goes wrong, it is no use claiming under the guarantee! Likewise with our God-given life; it must be lived in accordance with the Maker's Instructions in order to lead us to Heaven. |
From St. Bart'sThoughts on the traditional teachings, devotions, seasons and matters of the Catholic Church Categories
November 2019