![]() This day of commemoration of those killed in wars and conflict falls on Sunday 11 November 2018. The date also marks the 100th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the Great War, as the First World War was known. The Armistice was signed at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Our 11:30 Mass on 11 November will be attended by our uniformed groups, who will pay tribute to our war dead, with the Plainchant Choir providing fitting solemn music. John Byrne will be representing our parish in laying a wreath at Streatham War Memorial at the Service of Remembrance which commences at 10:30 the same morning ![]() The launch of Father Innocent's latest book on 8 September was a very successful event, by all accounts, and one that is noted on our Website HERE. Details of how to purchase the book may also be found. ![]() Our Over 55s Tea Club has undergone a change of name. In future it will be known as Barts Seniors Tea Club. Do have a look at their Web page - a wonderful, popular, and friendly group with a huge range of activities to enjoy and participate in! ![]() Our Over55’s Group are supporting Alzheimer’s Cupcake Day, and throughout June will be raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society. Please consider contributing to their endeavours by way of their JustGiving page HERE. They will be holding a Cupcake Sale in the hall after the 10:00 Mass on Friday 29 June - please do go along and support them. For the first time in many years, we shall be holding a Corpus Christ Procession on the day of this great Solemnity, Sunday 3 June 2018.
We shall meet at the entrance to Norbury Park, outside the old police station, ready to set off at 14:00. We intend to walk up the pathway towards Harefield Road, where we shall hold Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Please do try to come along and take part in this wonderful, public demonstration of and witness to our Catholic Faith. Free parking is usually available in the nearby car park off Granville Gardens. The usual 16:00 Benediction in the church itself will be cancelled to allow for this procession to take place. Following the most informative presentation last weekend from John Smeaton, Chief Executive of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, and the great interest shown in what he had to impart to us, John will be returning to hold a meeting this coming Wednesday 14 March 2018 at 19:30 in the lower hall.
It is proposed to re-establish a SPUC group in our parish. All those who are interested are invited to attend. The meeting is expected to last for a period of between one hour and ninety minutes. John will be able to expand upon what he told us during Masses, provide appropriate literature and keep us up to date on the many attacks upon the sanctity of human life which take place on a daily basis. Let us embrace the Culture of Life and reject what Pope St John Paul II called the Culture of Death, which seeks to undermine the value of human life at every opportunity.
A wonderful tribute to Our Lady, through whom we are encouraged to approach Jesus, (to Jesus through Mary) was held here last Saturday.
The next nearest Day with Mary takes place at St. John Fisher RC Church, Merton, on Saturday
17 March 2018, which is also St Patrick’s Day. Full details are to be found on the poster in the porch. ![]() The Bishops of England and Wales, mindful of the Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress which is due to take place in Liverpool in September this year, have decided to develop the practice of Eucharistic Adoration across the country. As a result of this initiative, our own Archdiocese of Southwark is putting together a Diocesan Adoration Lay Team in order to promote, expand and consolidate Eucharistic Adoration across the See of Southwark. You are therefore invited to attend a Special Information Meeting at the Centre for Catholic Formation at 21 Tooting Bec Road, SW17 8BS on Saturday 3 February 2018 at 11:00 through to 12:15, with registration from 10:00. Refreshments will be served. If you would like to attend this event, please inform the parish office no later than Wednesday 24 January 2018, as numbers must be given soon after that date. Please see the posters in the porch which contain the necessary information regarding this splendid initiative. We are most fortunate in this parish to have daily adoration before 10:00 Mass, weekly adoration and Benediction on Sundays, as well as a whole day each Advent and Lent, when we hold our Days of Penitence. It is hoped that such practices will spread across the archdiocese, so that the faithful might have greater access to the Real Presence of Christ, the Bread of Life, placed in the Monstrance upon the altar. The Prayer for the Church in Southwark, associated with September's Eucharistic Pilgrimage & Conference, Adoremus, which takes place in Liverpool in September this year may be found HERE.
Our patronal Feast of Saint Bartholomew falls this coming Thursday, 24 August. If you are able, why not come along to Mass at 07:30 or 10:00 to celebrate the occasion?
This day also marks the 15th anniversary of Father Innocent’s priestly ordination.
On the evening of Friday 24 June 2017, Bishop Patrick Lynch visited St. Bartholomew's to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on 42 of our young people. The Mass was a wonderful and uplifting occasion. Bishop Pat commented on how well all the candidates took part and how clearly they made their responses. Congratulations go to all the newly confirmed, their families and their sponsors. Special thanks goes to the team of catechists, who have been preparing the group for the last seven months, and to the priests and altar servers who attended. Please remember our young people in your prayers that, filled with the Holy Spirit, they will go forth and use their newly acquired Gifts in the service of the Lord.
St. Bart's NewsSt. Bart's news, current items of note, and future events!