A wonderful opportunity to convert your good-quality unwanted items into cash!
Please book your table as soon as possible to avoid disappointment! There are only a limited number of tables available. You may use our Contact Form to request bookings.
Barts Seniors have hired a coach to take them to Worthing on Friday 28 June. If you are free and would like to go along, please get in touch via the Parish Office. Tickets are just £20 per person, to include Fish and Chips at the famous Harry Ramsden’s Restaurant! The coach leaves at 09:30 and returns at 16:30.
A new page has been opened on our Website for our Social Committee. We are delighted to open it with images and a video from today's very happy Easter Event.
Click HERE to pray the Divine Mercy Novena each day.
There will be Masses at 07:30 and 10:00
After the 10:00 Mass there will be: Adoration and Confessions until Benediction at 19:00 Please remember that there will be no Confessions on Holy Saturday 20 April Mass and Service Times over the Triduum will be as follows: Maundy Thursday 18 April No 07:30 or 10:00 Masses 20:00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday 19 April 12:00 Children’s Liturgy Stations of the Cross 15:00 Solemn Celebration of The Passion 20:00 Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday 20 April No 10:00 or 18:15 Masses and no Confessions 20:30 The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Easter Sunday 21 April 08:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Masses (No 16:00 Benediction or 17:00 Mass)
Contact Barts Seniors via the Parish Office, or look out for us after some Masses, to book your places!
We shall be having a Parish Lenten Mission from 6 to 12 April 2019, given by the Redemptorist Fathers. Details will be given as soon as they are available. In the meantime, please do note in your diaries.
Following on from our successful and prayerful day earlier this year, we are delighted to announce that we shall be hosting another Day With Mary here on Saturday 16 November 2019. Two wonderful whole-parish events at St. Bartholomew's. A great new event and a 'must have a ticket for' raffle!! Look out for raffle ticket sellers after Masses over the coming weeks.
St. Bart's NewsSt. Bart's news, current items of note, and future events!