During the General Audience on Wednesday [23 February], Pope Francis made a heartfelt appeal for peace in Ukraine, saying that the threat of war had caused “great pain in my heart.”
“Despite the diplomatic efforts of the last few weeks,” the Pope said, “increasingly alarming scenarios are opening up,” with many people all over the world feeling anguish and pain. Read more>>> Looking for a challenge this Lent? Join CAFOD’s walk for water challenge and walk 10,000 steps a day for 40 days in solidarity with all those who do not have access to a safe water source. Hop it, skip it, slide it, run it, jump it, dance it or stomp it. It doesn’t matter how you do it, just as long as you put your heart and soul into it. Sign up now at cafod.org.uk/walk and go the distance this Lent and help to end water poverty.
There will be Masses at 07:30 and 10:00
After the 10:00 Mass there will be: Adoration and Confessions until Benediction at 19:00 Please remember that there will be no Confessions on Holy Saturday 20 April Mass and Service Times over the Triduum will be as follows: Maundy Thursday 18 April No 07:30 or 10:00 Masses 20:00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday 19 April 12:00 Children’s Liturgy Stations of the Cross 15:00 Solemn Celebration of The Passion 20:00 Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday 20 April No 10:00 or 18:15 Masses and no Confessions 20:30 The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Easter Sunday 21 April 08:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Masses (No 16:00 Benediction or 17:00 Mass) Our Lenten Parish Mission is fast-approaching. Now would be a good time to start familiarising ourselves with our Mission Prayer. Why not download and print a simple A4 version from here to assist you?
We shall be having a Parish Lenten Mission from 6 to 12 April 2019, given by the Redemptorist Fathers. Details will be given as soon as they are available. In the meantime, please do note in your diaries.
Following on from our successful and prayerful day earlier this year, we are delighted to announce that we shall be hosting another Day With Mary here on Saturday 16 November 2019. Two wonderful whole-parish events at St. Bartholomew's. Mass at 10:00 will be followed by Confessions, which will be available throughout the day, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Benediction at 19:00.
Please note that there will be no Confessions on Saturday 31 March. The Polyphony Choir will be joining us at 16:00 on Palm Sunday for Stations of The Cross. Do come along, particularly if you have not been able to make it to Stations at other times during Lent. Pray the Stations of the Cross by St Alphonsus Ligouri, and sing the beautiful verses of the Stabat Mater. Immerse yourself in the journey Christ made from his condemnation to death by Pilate, to his crucifixion, death and entombment. Imagine yourself in the crowd that watched Jesus, and wonder what it must have been like to witness his journey to Calvary.
During the Season of Lent there will be Stations of the Cross at St. Bartholomew's on Sundays at 16:00 (followed by Benediction) and on Fridays at 19:30. Please note 12:00 (Children's) & 20:00 on Good Friday.
St. Bart's NewsSt. Bart's news, current items of note, and future events!