St Bartholomew’s Catholic Church
159 Ellison Road SW16 5DE
020 8679 3545 The Parish Office is open
Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 Contact us, and messages received will be replied to as soon as it is possible to do so. Please also refer to our Parish Newsletter |
Mass and Confession times
Sunday Masses: Saturday 18:15 (Mass of Anticipation), 08:30, 10:00, 11:30 and 17:00
Children's Liturgy: During Sunday 10:00 Mass
Weekday Masses: 07:30 (not Saturday) and 10:00
Holy Day of Obligation Masses: 07:30 and 10:00
Confessions: Saturday after 10:00 Mass until 11:30 and 17:00 to 18:00
Stations of The Cross and Benediction: 16:00 Sunday
Adoration and Benediction: 09:30 Monday to Thursday & Saturday, before 10:00 Mass
Adoration and Benediction: Friday after the 10:00 Mass until Benediction at 22:00 (NB 18:45 on 14 March)
The Rosary is prayed after the 10:00 Mass Monday to Thursday and Saturday
Free Coffee Morning after morning Masses 29 March, 27 April and 11 May
Children's Liturgy: During Sunday 10:00 Mass
Weekday Masses: 07:30 (not Saturday) and 10:00
Holy Day of Obligation Masses: 07:30 and 10:00
Confessions: Saturday after 10:00 Mass until 11:30 and 17:00 to 18:00
Stations of The Cross and Benediction: 16:00 Sunday
Adoration and Benediction: 09:30 Monday to Thursday & Saturday, before 10:00 Mass
Adoration and Benediction: Friday after the 10:00 Mass until Benediction at 22:00 (NB 18:45 on 14 March)
The Rosary is prayed after the 10:00 Mass Monday to Thursday and Saturday
Free Coffee Morning after morning Masses 29 March, 27 April and 11 May
Holy Week and Easter 2025
Throughout Lent
Stations of the Cross and Benediction
Sundays 16:00 followed by Mass at 17:00
Holy Week
Palm Sunday 13 April
Masses 18:15 (Saturday), 08:30, 10:00, 11:30 (with Solemn Procession from the hall - Plainchant and Hymn Choirs) and 17:00
Stations of the Cross and Benediction 16:00 (Polyphony Choir)
Monday in Holy Week 14 April
07:30 and 10:00 Masses
Tuesday in Holy Week 15 April - Lenten Day of Penitence
07:30 and 10:00 Masses
Adoration and Confessions after the 10:00 Mass until Benediction at 19:00
Wednesday in Holy Week 16 April
07:30 and 09:30 (note time change) Masses
11:30 Chrism Mass at St. George’s Cathedral
Maundy Thursday 17 April
No 07:30 or 10:00 Masses
20:00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Polyphony Choir)
Watching at the Altar of Repose until Midnight
Good Friday 18 April
Day of Fasting and Abstinence
09:15 Office of Readings & Morning Prayer
15:00 Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, with Veneration of The Cross and Holy Communion (Polyphony Choir)
20:00 Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday 19 April
10:00 Office of Readings and Morning Prayer
(No 10:00 or 18:15 Masses and no Confessions)
20:30 The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night (Polyphony Choir)
Easter Sunday 20 April
08:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Masses
(No 16:00 Benediction or 17:00 Mass)
Easter Monday 21 April
10:00 Mass (No 07:30 Mass)
Stations of the Cross and Benediction
Sundays 16:00 followed by Mass at 17:00
Holy Week
Palm Sunday 13 April
Masses 18:15 (Saturday), 08:30, 10:00, 11:30 (with Solemn Procession from the hall - Plainchant and Hymn Choirs) and 17:00
Stations of the Cross and Benediction 16:00 (Polyphony Choir)
Monday in Holy Week 14 April
07:30 and 10:00 Masses
Tuesday in Holy Week 15 April - Lenten Day of Penitence
07:30 and 10:00 Masses
Adoration and Confessions after the 10:00 Mass until Benediction at 19:00
Wednesday in Holy Week 16 April
07:30 and 09:30 (note time change) Masses
11:30 Chrism Mass at St. George’s Cathedral
Maundy Thursday 17 April
No 07:30 or 10:00 Masses
20:00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Polyphony Choir)
Watching at the Altar of Repose until Midnight
Good Friday 18 April
Day of Fasting and Abstinence
09:15 Office of Readings & Morning Prayer
15:00 Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, with Veneration of The Cross and Holy Communion (Polyphony Choir)
20:00 Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday 19 April
10:00 Office of Readings and Morning Prayer
(No 10:00 or 18:15 Masses and no Confessions)
20:30 The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night (Polyphony Choir)
Easter Sunday 20 April
08:30, 10:00 and 11:30 Masses
(No 16:00 Benediction or 17:00 Mass)
Easter Monday 21 April
10:00 Mass (No 07:30 Mass)
March is the month of Saint Joseph
St. Joseph is the icon of God the Father: silent but active and perfectly providing for the needs of all. The Church constantly invokes the protection of St. Joseph, admonishing us to ite ad Joseph, go to Joseph.
Words courtesy of Sam Guzman
Image: ‘Saint Joseph with the Infant Jesus’, painted c.1635 by the Italian artist Guido Reni (1575-1642)