Plans are now underway for First Holy Communions 2021
Please complete the online application form to be found HERE which, at this stage, will be taken as an expression of interest in preparing your children for this Sacrament. Dates and times of preparation sessions are yet to be advised and will depend very much upon your responses to the application form. It is possible that sessions may take place online, if they cannot be arranged in person, but this, too, has not yet been finalised. Please note that you will not be able to skip through the form, but you must complete each page fully before proceeding to the next. For those who may experience difficulty in using the form, or not have access to a computer or other device, hard copies will be made available from stewards at church from Sunday 18 April 2021. Once we have received all your responses, we hope to be in a position to give further information on the sessions and indeed the dates of First Holy Communions themselves. We respectfully ask for your patience as we move forward, hampered as we have been for over a year now by COVID and the restrictions which it has caused. Let us hope that restrictions will soon be lifted either completely or in part, so that we can all move forward, not least with our First Holy Communion programme. If you should have any questions relating to the completion of this form, please send a message to the First Holy Communion Team, via the Parish Office, by using the Contact Form on this Website. Comments are closed.
St. Bart's NewsSt. Bart's news, current items of note, and future events!