The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales have released a statement [on 19 July] titled Seeking Our Hearts’ Desire offering their initial reflections on the National Synthesis document.
This in turn was the fruit of a discernment process in which the National Synthesis Team reflected on hundreds of pages of Synod reports received from the dioceses of England and Wales as well as Catholic organisations and individuals. They collated the material to give a picture of the synodal process in England and Wales. Read more >>>> The National Synthesis – reflects on Synod reports received by the national synthesis team, discerning the main themes that have emerged from the listening conversations, and collating them together to give a picture of the synodal process in England and Wales.
The Catholic Church in England and Wales has been..... Read more >>> The Diocesan Syntheses, the ‘local’ part of the Synodal process, were submitted to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales on the Friday before Holy Week as part of the two-year process requested by Pope Francis for the Catholic Church. From left to right: Dr. Mark Nash, Rev. Canon Christopher Thomas, Miss Kate Wilkinson, Sr. Elaine Penrice fsp, Mr. Dominic Belli, Miss Sarah Adams, Rev. Jan Nowotnik, Dr. Austen Ivereigh and Dr. Mary McCaughey Now, having received each document from the dioceses, along with submissions from national Catholic organisations and other bodies, a National Synthesis Team has started work discerning and drafting the national synthesis for England and Wales that will be sent to the Synod Office in Rome by 15 August 2022. Read more>>>
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