Rosemary Clark, Director, writes:
"We sing at the 11:30 Mass, usually on the 4th Sunday of the month. The aim of the Hymn Choir is to lead and encourage the congregation in the singing of the Mass. We sing well known hymns and the English Chant Mass, (this is the Mass that is in the Parish Mass Books that the Bishops wanted everybody to learn and use). We also join with the Plainchant Choir to sing on Palm Sunday. We are a small group of singers and will be very pleased for new members to join us. We do not hold practices, just come up to the gallery about 10 minutes before Mass starts. EVERYONE IS WELCOME." An event for Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionFollowing the very successful retreat for Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion held last November, Bishop Pat has arranged for Father Victor Darlington to host a similar day at Sacred Heart Catholic School, Camberwell New Road, London SE5 0RP on Saturday 14 March 2020. Father Victor is a renowned scripture professor and teaches at St. John’s Seminary in Wonersh. His area of expertise is the writings of St. John. In the first presentation he will speak about “The Journey Towards Faith in the Gospel of John”, reflecting especially on the Gospels for the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent. In the afternoon session he will speak on the theme “Called to be a Community of Life” drawing especially from the 7 “I am” statements in John’s Gospels, which are used in the readings on the Sundays and weekdays of Easter. All Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are welcome to attend. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to go along. Click here for a printable version of the above Programme.
A big thank you for all your support this year with the Crisis appeals.
The 44 shoe boxes were fantastic! Today your generosity has been exceptional. We have raised £460 from the raffle and coffee morning. This money has helped house 22 people over the Christmas period and also can help get them get a chance to work towards ending their homelessness by advice and training. Your support for the projects that Bart Seniors embark on is amazing. We would like to wish you all a lovely Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year. The Bart Seniors Team x Details of the 2020 Confirmation Programme at St. Bartholomew's are now available on our Website; click on the image above.
If you are involved in any way, be aware that there is much important information to become familiar with! Thank you for all your support for the Shoe Box Appeal for Crisis.
We received (top picture) a staggering 44 boxes, a large amount new clothes and toiletries. These have now been handed into Crisis Croydon (bottom picture) who were overwhelmed by your support.
We hope as many of you as possible will join us for this very special Mass, marking this great milestone in our parish history.
There will be the opportunity to greet Archbishop John after Mass. The Choir’s celebration in the hall afterwards is for invited past and present Choir members only. Father Deo writes:
After much consultation, careful consideration, thought and prayer, I have taken the decision that the youth club in its present form will cease as of now. Plans are taking shape to restart the club, in a new format, at the earliest opportunity. Once sufficient volunteers have been recruited, and the structure agreed upon, I shall let you know. A date will then be set to get things going again. In the meantime, on behalf of the parish, and in particular the youth, I should like to thank Eddie Sanders for his sterling work and commitment as club leader over the last 46 years. A celebratory event will be held in his honour.
Barts Seniors have hired a coach to take them to Worthing on Friday 28 June. If you are free and would like to go along, please get in touch via the Parish Office. Tickets are just £20 per person, to include Fish and Chips at the famous Harry Ramsden’s Restaurant! The coach leaves at 09:30 and returns at 16:30.
St. Bart's NewsSt. Bart's news, current items of note, and future events!